A guide to support from UoB's online library service

A guide to support from UoB's online library service

By Robin Connolly, Features Editor

An update on the current services being offered by UoB's libraries since all physical libraries have been closed due to government advice on COVID-19.

As of 24 March 2020, all physical libraries and study centres at the University of Bristol and other universities across the country were closed due to government guidelines in the face of COVID-19. This follows all UoB libraries other than the Arts and Social Sciences Library being shut on the evening of 20 March.

In practical terms, this means that all library buildings and spaces have been closed to students and you will no longer be able to access physical copies of materials other than those already have checked out.

However, it is important to note that despite the uncertainty of the current situation, the library services in Bristol are still doing their best to provide help and guidance to students who are continuing to work towards deadlines.

Firstly, the pressure has been taken off in terms of returning books and other borrowed items. Vacation borrowing has been extended so there is no need to worry about items students currently have on loan.

According to Library Enquires, ‘all loan statuses and all items on loan will become vacation loans when they next auto-renew. This is currently with a return date of Monday 20 April.’ They have instructed students to ignore automated notifications to return recalled items.

Publishers and journals have been increasing the temporary accessibility to books and articles available online, so there is a good chance that materials required for study will be obtainable virtually. The majority of these can be found via LibrarySearch.

You can see further details on the online resources available here.

Jez Connoly, Head of Student Engagement at the Library Services said of this additional content that 'the page continues to grow' and to 'keep checking back for added resources.'

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It is possible for students to request copies of eBooks and electronic texts via subject librarians, academic library representatives, or by filling out an online form which can be found on the library website.

The Library Service website is also directing students towards the ‘Study Skills’ resources that can can be found and used online.

These are open to all students and include step-by-step guides to essay writing, academic reading and mind mapping as well as information on revision techniques and exam wellbeing. This is a useful source of information for anyone concerned about how to address their upcoming assessments.

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The 'one-stop shop' page will soon be adding an FAQ section to their page which they hope will provide more specific answers to questions.

In the meantime, the library Twitter page is clearly trying to alleviate stress, posting photos of librarian's dogs and the desks they're using to work from home. It has even got a Spotify account running, catering to all your study-soundtrack needs!

If you have any more questions about the library services available, please visit their ‘one-stop shop’ or contact them directly via email at library-enquiries@bristol.ac.uk.

Regular updates are also being provided via Bristol Library Service's social media pages.

Featured: Epigram / Ellie Brown

Do you have any quesitons about online library services? Let us know!