‘One of the loveliest interactions I have ever seen on Twitter’: Emotional tweet from proud dad provokes moving response from NHS nurse

By Helen March, News Investigations Editor

‘One of the loveliest interactions I have ever seen on Twitter’: Emotional tweet from proud dad provokes moving response from NHS nurse.

Last week climate activist and founder of ‘#twominutebeachclean’ Martin Dorey sparked an emotional thread on Twitter as he shared a photo of his daughter on her first day at the University of Bristol.

From Maggie Dorey’s new university accommodation, Martin stated, ‘you can see the room at Bristol Children’s Hospital where, 17 years earlier, she spent 6 months fighting for her life against leukaemia’. Dorey went on to thank the NHS, saying his daughter’s journey provoked ‘tears of joy’.

So far the post has garnered over 10,000 retweets and 140,000 likes. However, the reason for this attention is arguably due to the comment thread that resulted from the post. The tweet was picked up by one of the NHS nurses who took care of Maggie nearly twenty years ago, Charlotte Higby, who responded to Martin Dorey.

‘Wow - that gives me goosebumps! As a nurse who looked after Maggie all those years ago, I can’t tell you how much this post means.’. This touching response from the nurse who saved Maggie after she went into anaphylactic shock due to her chemotherapy treatment got increasingly emotional. Dorey went on to explain that the nurse’s response to Maggie’s reaction caused the family to name their second daughter Charlie after her.

This thread was responded to by hundreds of Twitter users, currently having over 1000 comments. With many appreciating the positive message behind the thread. Several people were also inspired by the conversation, with several medical students claiming the story encouraged them to continue their medical training.

Dorey has continued to be amazed by the reaction his tweet has received, as a result he has spent the last few days encouraging those who have seen the thread to donate to organisations such as Young Lives Vs. Cancer and Children's Hospice South West, which support children fighting cancer.

More information on how to donate to both these charities and others can be found on his twitter account (@campervanliving).

Featured Image: Twitter/Epigram|Canva

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