Microwaves: hot food, even hotter topic - where are they all?

By Daniel Bargioni, Deputy Food Editor

The Croft Magazine // Our deputy food editor investigates the location of the microwaves on campus, or the lack thereof...

Microwaves are a student’s best friend, yet their locations on campus seem to be shrouded in mystery. We’re determined to set the record straight and highlight our favourite spots to transform yesterday’s leftovers into today’s delicious lunch.

Without the luxury of living close to uni and rising food prices epitomised by the £3.75 Co-op meal deal, preparing a packed lunch for many has become a necessity. There are endless possibilities with sandwiches and salads, but they can get boring over the course of a week. Adding a microwave into the equation allows a more varied range of possible lunch options, maybe try spiced cauliflower steaks with bulgur wheat or a soup such as the utilitarian minestrone - recipes for both are available on The Croft’s website.

Growing up I never wanted to be an investigative journalist. I much preferred the idea of being a pilot or a chef or Deputy Food Editor for The Croft… And there I found myself at my desk, submitting a FOI request (Freedom of Information) to the university asking for the locations of all microwaves on campus accessible to students in shared areas. This was after I had sent a slurry of emails to the university, all of which were unsuccessful – all this for some hot soup!

After submitting the FOI, I had a new-found feeling of journalistic responsibility, on a crusade for truth and in search for the answers that really mattered. Besides, if I wasn’t asking these questions, who would? Without hearing back from the Freedom of Information team, our own favourite microwave locations across the university campus will have to suffice.

  1. “The Loft”, Senate House. Located in the heart of campus on the ground floor, “The Loft” has a pair of microwaves accessible to all students. This is undoubtedly everyone’s favourite spot to warm up some food as the queues peak at lunchtime.
  2. Richmond Building, Second Floor. Located in the SU, this is a useful spot for those who like to study in a more quiet area. A quick swim and a hot lunch anyone?
  3. Humanities Building, First Floor. The new humanities building has a microwave on the first floor and is also a great low-key place to study.
  4. Physics Building, Physbar. The Physbar is a real secret on campus, with two microwaves and a tea for less than £1 it’s the ideal spot for heating up lunch and eating it in Royal Fort Gardens when the weather gets better!

Featured Image: The Croft / Daniel Bargioni