Hayman's guide to Bristol boozers

Hayman's guide to Bristol boozers

Grab yourself a beer, Emily Hayman is here to give you the rundown of her favourite pubs in Briz.

There are endless reasons why going down to the pub with your friends will always be 10/10 for a good time guaranteed. The hustle, bustle, warmth and stench, quite unlike anywhere else, is one that goes amiss if to be ignored for even just a few days.

Bristol is proud to boast in its pub scene, with a wide range to offer. From cheap and cheerful to sophisticated, Bristol has got you covered. Here are just some of the many pubs I hold dear to my heart.

W. G. Grace
It’s got to be up there, doesn’t it? There’s no denying the affordable approachability of the classic Weatherspoon’s pub, and I can certainly vouch for the food being more than half decent: crunchy nachos or chunky chips compliment that 6 quid pitcher down to a tee, or perhaps you’re feeling classier so go for a 3.99 double GnT! Either way, the Grace will forever be the number one place to prelash, full to the brim with familiar faces and just the everyman.

Epigram / Emily Hayman

White Hart
Just one of the many pubs beginning with ‘white’ (oh dear, unavoidably bringing to the light the dark undertones of the history behind this city oops), this gem down by the Wills Memorial Building is truly one not to be missed. With a beautiful lit-up smoking garden, comfy sofas and 3 quid pints, its got it all- not to mention, always a favourite spot for pub quizzes.

Highbury Vaults
Situated on the dark pilgrimage into the ass, or rather the freeing walk AWAY from Uni, this tiny little place is cosy and perfect to wind down in. The smoking garden has long benches and heating and is somehow able to squeeze all your 30-man squad in, but don’t make the mistake of falling for the ‘place the 5p on the lemon in the glass’ trick in a rash attempt to score some cash: it’s CERTAIN you will fail, and its back to square one of the broke student life.

Epigram / Emily Hayman

The Cat and Wheel
Karaoke and disco, sports TV, pool and darts, this buzzing pub down on Cheltenham Road near the Archers is perfectly situated: head here for a couple, pop into Leftbank on your way in to Stokes Croft for some live music before charging on into the Love Inn, now doesn’t that sound like an ideal night out?

Brass Pig
Oh yes, what a babe. Opposite Bargs, it would simply be rude not to go? Packed full of the typical Bristol student in furs and flares, glass of wine and cig in hand, this rowdy institute always certifies a good time. With a large open space on the bottom floor which becomes a dance-floor (YEEE), and often very loud live bands on the top, peace and quiet are terms unheard of here; so, grab yourself a cocktail (2 for a tenner, not bad?) and charge across the road with the crowd into Bargs’ lair.

For the more elegant person, this spacious pub is down near King Street, on the cobbled streets of the city centre. Sofas you can melt into, pool tables and fabulous drinks deals, and friendly faces, an evening spent here is an evening well spent, as you entirely relax and babble away as the drinks and banter flows in.

Perhaps I am slightly bias, as it’s literally down the end of my road, but Channing’s offers a charming vibe, more laidback and calming than the rowdier pubs I have previously mentioned. They do a bloody good Sunday roast at a suitable price, and whether you sit outside or in, the hearty atmosphere is sure to entice you to stay for a few hours at least.

The Apple
In summer, this place is abounding in cider, sunshine and contented faces: half pints at only 2 quid with a student card, this is the ideal boozing day session, with benches aplenty outside, or seats upon the boat which sets so comfortably on the river. No need to worry though, its still worth a trip down in the cold, with blankets available on request and about 10 different types of Cider to choose from to help warm you up nicely 😊

Epigram / Emily Hayman

Mr Wolfs
Fancy a dash of live jazz? Mr Wolfs is the place to head, with 2.50 pints and quote, ‘the best kebab house’ literally opposite as you exit, meaning you can grab some cheeky cheesy chips to aid you on the long walk home back up Park Street. The buzzing vibe resonates in the air, as people crowd around, standing on chairs and benches alike, in order to see the wonderful music being played and groovy moves being thrown around on the D-floor. JFS (Jazz, Funk and Soul) use this venue weekly on a Tuesday, but dare I say, still nothing will ever quite beat the Small Horse Inn for me, their previous venue choice and perhaps my absolute favourite pub in Bristol, which was closed just over a year ago for no apparent reason ☹ We will never forget you! #BRING BACK THE SMALL HORSE INN!

Epigram / Emily Hayman

Featured image: Flickr / Matt Gibson

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