35 things to do before you leave Bristol

Deputy Living Editor Emily Hayman challenges you to accomplish these fun and enthralling tasks. Will you accept?
So I thought it was probably appropriate to write something about finishing uni, but rather than try to pretend like any of us have any clue about what we’re doing, I thought it would be better to list off the things my friends and I would like to achieve before we’re forced to accept the uni bubble no longer has any room for us. So here you go, feel free to join us for any of these fun and wholesome activities!
1) BBQ on The Downs
2) Swimming in Abbot Lake
3) Hit up Whapping Wharf
4) See a show at the renowned Old Vic Theatre
5) Try and watch Bristol’s hot air balloon show from the ground #moneyproblems
6) Slide down Park Street on giant water slide (YES THIS IS A LEGIT THING)
7) Swim to Motion (preferably in the sun so I can dry off within 10 mins of boogying)
8) Steal a disco ball from ‘Bargs and not get kicked out (@miabarrett, a wee job for you)
9) Complete the 10 before 10 at the Cori (made it to 9 but it wasn’t pretty)
10) One last Donervans. You know what, the cheesy chips are actually the dank, DON’T CARE ABOUT TAKA TAKA THERE I SAID IT.
11) Eat out at The Ivy lol maybe just the one time #graduation #prettypleaseparents
12) Cycle around Ashton Court and have a picnic
13) Get back into Lola Los just once #blacklisted
14) Go back to our favourite smoke spot at Churchill- the one and only LOG
15) Revisit the botanical gardens with the dinosaurs (first year mems)
16) Squad rollout to Pam Pams
17) Get to the very top of the Wills Memorial Building (apparently its free for students sometimes!)
18) Charity shop crawl down Gloucester Road
19) Go to The Downs for sunrise (more likely to be en route home from somewhere than having successfully made it up in time for that)
20) Mutiny on Thekla and sail it up the river Thames.
21) Rave on Avon
22) St Paul’s carnival
23) Bear pit all day party again! Literally the most random but best day of first year
24) Go to a random lecture
25) Do karaoke at the Cat and Wheel
26) Buy the lecturer you fancy a drink
27) Take a slash on a famous Bristol landmark
28) Properly look round the M Shed and learn about the history of the slave trade in Bristol
29) Go to Spike Island and try not to laugh at the exhibition
30) Go to the Everyman cinema with a pal and treat yourself to the amazing food, pretending you can afford this extravagance
31) Go on a Bumble date
32) King Street pub crawl, finish line, THE APPLE
33) Bristol to Bath railway path, take a picnic and enjoy in a green field en route
34) Go to an intellectual talk/ debate and ask the speaker where the loos are
And last, but definitely not least,
35) GRADUATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Featured image: Instagram / @ivycliftonbrass
What do you want to do before you leave Bristol? Get in contact!