Introducing Interfaith Week

Bristol Interfaith Week is brought to you by Bristol SU in collaboration with our faith societies.

Get ready for a week filled with panels, prayer and food. We’ll explore the cultures and practices of religious life on campus, and everyone, of all faiths and none, is encouraged to join in. Interfaith reps are encouraging questions throughout the week so submit yours online.

Here are some of the highlights:

Misconceptions in Faith, Tuesday 19 February
Are Muslim women forced to wear headscarves? Aren’t Christians restricted by the Bible? Do all Buddhists meditate?

Heard a stereotype about a faith that you're not sure about? There are lots of misconceptions floating around, so come along and hear our interfaith reps address them. There will then be an opportunity to discuss and ask any questions! Free tickets are available online.

Interfaith Social Action Day, Wednesday 20 February
Actions speak louder than words, and faith is no exception! We’ll be collecting food for Bristol Refugee Rights, so come along, meet new people and help us do good.

Groups of students from each faith society will be outside Tesco Broadmead and Sainsburys on the Clifton Triangle collecting food. Spare an hour or two and come join us in volunteering and making a difference!

Interfaith Celebration Tea, Wednesday 20 February
After a great day of social action, we invite you to join us for a celebration tea at the Multifaith Chaplaincy! Come for great food and even greater conversation, and hear about the importance of social action in faith. Book your free space online.

Where’s the Proof? An Interfaith Panel Discussion, Thursday 21 February
What ties all faiths together is a belief in something without seeing - be it God, a deity, a consciousness or some other kind of spirituality. But why do we believe without proof? And how is what each faith believes in similar and different?

Come along to our panel discussion event where each faith society will be bringing an expert to discuss these big questions! Free tickets are available online.

Check out all of the events taking place as part of Bristol Interfaith Week online.

If faith on campus is important to you, nominate yourself or recommend a friend to be the first ever Multi-Faith Network Chair at

Featured Image: Bristol SU