'I am the Senate', 'Save Blue Mountain' and other suggestions for new Senate House name

'I am the Senate', 'Save Blue Mountain' and other suggestions for new Senate House name

By Cameron Scheijde co-Editor-in-Chief

Senate House, no longer the home of the University's senate but instead a new student hub, is to be renamed. The University have, for some reason, decided to do this through consultation with students. Here are some of the names suggested.

4 names around the basis of 'Save Blue Mountain' made the longlist, including 'Blue Mountain', 'Blue Mountain Club' and 'Bring Back Blue Mountain'.

Every variation of 'Housey McHouseface'.

Buzzwords seemed particularly popular. 'The UoB House of Inclusivity', for example, or 'Motivational Area of Diligence House'. Others seemed to suggest the central University building deserved the SU treatment: 'SU 2: Electric Boogaloo' being one suggestion, and 'SU 2.0' being another.

One particularly indecisive punter opted for 'Miscellaneous House', no doubt drawing on the building's architectural insignificance. 'House of Memes' also made the list, along with 'The Place with The Games' and simply 'House'.

Some of the more serious suggestions drew on inspiration from famous Bristol alumni, such as Dorothy Hodgkin or Arthur Mannering Tyndall.

However, it seems the majority of names on the longlist are more light-hearted in nature; 'Scholar's Keep', or 'Never Underestimate Teamwork House'.

The process for longlisting did involve removing names that were offensive: the University say: 'a small number of suggested names were removed from the longlist because they are existing brand names, could cause offence or are names of current staff or students. One of the principles of the University’s Naming of Buildings policy is that the names of current staff or students should not be used to name buildings'. However, most seem to have made the list.

Caroline Boughton, Campus Heart Programme Manager, said of the re-naming: 'We want students to feel a real sense of belonging in Senate House and take ownership of the building, which is why their involvement in the renaming it is so important. The Bristol SU Living Room, PGR hub and study spaces have transformed the building and now’s the time to give it an identity that matches its new purpose.'

The process for shortlisting begins with consultations now, with 5 names being put to popular vote at the end of February. I can't wait for my next study session in 'Cribb's Cribb'.

You can vote to have you next study session in Housey McSenateface by participating in the shortlisting by following this link.