Here are the students running to be your SU Officers for 2022-23

Voting is now open for the SU Officers who will represent students in the year ahead. Students can cast their votes for their preferred candidates until 21:00 on Thursday 10 March at

Meet the students standing as candidates in the election, below.

Union Affairs Officer

The Union Affairs Officer represents students in terms of how they interact with Bristol SU through democracy, communications and services, and leads on support for societies, volunteering and RAG.


Daniel Clarke

Hello everyone, I’m Daniel and I would like to be your Union Affairs Officer. I have 3 years of experience across all the core committee roles in a variety of societies.

I plan to accomplish as much of the following throughout my term as possible:

  1. Streamline the affiliation/group creation process, creating an easily accessible SU webpage, particularly the process by which students can see proposed groups that are looking for prospective members.
  2. Reduce the reaffiliation requirement of 30 members to 20 in the first year of a society’s existence to help facilitate their creation.
  3. Introduce a system whereby societies who have repeatedly come close to not meeting the reaffiliation requirements (under 45 members for multiple years in a row) will be offered additional support monthly to help them maintain their status as an affiliated society.

I have seen too many societies fall by the wayside due to waning popularity stemming from long-established members graduating, as well as multiple societies fail to launch successfully after not being able to make the student population aware of their existence to allow this to continue.

Taking a more general view than just inside the walls of the Richmond Building, I also aim to:

  1. Create an area at the Fresher’s Fair by working with the ELA Officer where neurodivergent students who may be feeling overwhelmed by the event can go to de-stress. This will help further improve accessibility at Freshers Fair.
  2. Continue the union’s commitment to a sustainable future by working with the sustainability network to encourage societies to reduce waste and encourage sharing of common resources between societies.

Adam Michael

1. Structural Democratic Reforms

There is a massive disconnect between the Elected SU leadership and the average student in Bristol University. This represents a real structural issue which makes it difficult for SU officers to represent the interest of the students. Our voices go unheard due to a lack of platform to raise them. I envision to remove that disconnect and equip every student with a direct line to the SU leadership via two monthly public forums that caters to all Students and Society heads respectively.

Attendees may criticise, scrutinise and/or provide their insights consistently throughout the year.

This is complemented by introducing approval ratings conducted through a survey. The ratings will reflect the performance of elected officers and allow students to make informed decisions in subsequent SU Elections.

2. Deadlines!

Some deadlines in our University coursework is set at the start of the working day. This makes all-nighters a higher probability and disrupts our sleep schedule, causing adverse effects on our mental well-being. I will work to standardise coursework deadlines across all faculties to the end of the working day at 5:00pm.

3. Housing

Housing is a pressing issue among University students. This is especially true for International Students who are often unable to provide a UK guarantor forcing them to pay a 12-month rent upfront; also affecting Local Students living with International Students. I intend to lobby the University to help provide a guarantor service to ease our housing burdens - a practise already adapted by some Universities.

A recipient of the PLUS Award, I served in the leadership of societies with over 500 students and have experience voicing our concerns to the University. I'm sensitive to our needs and intend to serve on the bigger scale.

A Better Student Life.

Clara Rayner

My four-point pledge:

1. Bring Power Closer To You

  • Move student power closer to its heart – student societies – by creating new inter-society forums and formalising existing ones
  • Build on the successful example of the Performing Arts Forum to create clear inter-society communication and coordination at a decentralised level
  • Empower inter-society forums to create policy relevant to them, allowing students to enact meaningful change relevant to their interests without needing to do so at a Union-wide level
  • Foster an important sense of community and kinship between related societies through forums, providing a clear and organised platform for cooperation

2. Demand Significant Change, backed by Meaningful Action

  • Demand dramatic and vitally needed action on the student mental health crisis
  • Collect, directly from the wider student body, a wide-reaching list of grievances about University life from every imaginable angle
  • Present all student issues to the University, and engage in substantive dialogue about steps forwards while encouraging student-lead solutions
  • Be unafraid to explore every option to force the University into serious and substantive action to fix its failings and improve the student experience

3. Rekindle Student Activism

  • Create a permanent Student Action Committee to proactively explore possible avenues for directing the University into enacting meaningful change
  • Review the strengths and weaknesses of Union Networks to better marry advocacy & activism with socialisation, representation & belonging
  • Actively encourage and support society forums to effect progress at an inter-society level

4. Decouple the Union from the University

  • Launch a comprehensive review of the Union’s funding and balance sheets
  • Explore options, no matter how broad or radical, to increase the financial independence of the Union from the University, a crucial step to increasing Union assertiveness and oversight
  • Put a comprehensive plan to a student-wide referendum, allowing you an informed final say

Joseph Sharp


My name’s Joe, I’m currently a 2nd year history student who entered the university during the uncertainty of the pandemic, facing the struggle of a year almost entirely online, a frustrating experience I’m certain many of you will relate to. So why am I applying to be Union Affairs officer? Well to be frank it's because I’m as disillusioned with the University process as most people I’ve met are, I aim to channel my frustrations with student democracy to resolve the latent issues within the university and the SU. Below are 2 examples of my aims as Union Affairs officer:

1)Ensure greater collaboration with the UCU and Student Union: The Recent UCU strikes from 14/02/22-03/03/22 have demonstrated that our university system is under threat by cuts to university spending, a fact which directly impacts student learning and experience. This is evident to all, higher education itself is under attack by the forces of austerity, it is only through broad ranging solidarity that we can protect the system that we cherish. I would have the SU and UCU working together to organise student and professor led strikes and draw up annual aims to address both groups respective grievances.

2) Facilitate engagement with Student Democracy: I’m sure that most of you reading this have some degree of interest in Student democracy, but what exactly dictates your interest in this without incentive? For many there is little incentive to vote and, from what I have observed, there is little active engagement with student politics from much of the student body, being reserved for those few with a keen interest in student politics. We must provide incentives for students to engage with the democratic process, together with my fellow officers and students I would attempt to provide adequate incentives for full engagement.

Student Living Officer

The Student Living Officer represents students on accommodation, finance, and wellbeing issues, as well as on their interaction with the local community.


Izzy Russell

Hi I’m Izzy; I’m passionate about making change and have lots of relevant experience! As a working class, queer, disabled activist I care and fight for intersectional social justice causes; as an SU officer I would incorporate this into my work, improving the University and student experience.

Find out more about myself and my policies on my Instagram @ izzy4slo.


JCR President –worked with rent strikers, SU officers, university staff and services, security and police, campaigning for better conditions and fairer treatment

Activism –working with sustainability teams at Bristol and other Universities; helping organising sustainability month; attending COP26 as a delegate; organising protests and charity events


Mental Health:

Increase Disability and Wellbeing services’ budget and number of employees –these are too stretched and the majority aren’t given enough support

Ensure all personal tutors and counsellors can deal with a range of issues –cultural differences, LGBT+ issues, sexual assault, domestic abuse etc.

Working with student groups and training committee members appropriately (making societies accessible, safe, welcoming),

Continue harm reduction work –free STI and drug testing kits, educational sessions, consent classes

Postgraduate Education Officer

The Postgraduate Education Officer represents postgraduate taught and research students on academic and welfare matters.


Lu Macey

Re-elect Lu, #1 for Postgraduate Education Officer!

I’m Lu (she/her), your current Postgraduate Education Officer.

Studying for an MPhil means that I recognise and relate to issues faced by both Postgraduate Researchers and Postgraduate Taught students.

I’m re-running for the role of Postgraduate Education Officer, because I want to continue making the University experience safer, happier, and easier for Postgraduates, and know that doing so has a positive impact on Undergraduates too.

This year, I’ve accomplished a lot, including:

  1. Creating training materials for the Counselling Service, ensuring increased awareness of PGT and PGR experiences and potential issues that could arise
  2. Assisting the University in phase two of Opportunity Bristol, a scholarship scheme for UK students from Black backgrounds to undertake research-related masters degrees
  3. Launching the Bristol SU Zero Waste Shop

There’s still so much I want to do, including:

Wellbeing and Community:

  1. Continuing to lobby for more and better quality space for Postgraduates
  2. Continuing to campaign for mandatory consultation with Postgraduates when decisions are made relating to their university experience
  3. Making SU groups more visible and accessible for Postgraduate students, and launching a universitywide ‘Festival of Research’

Accessibility and Attainment:

  1. Continuing to lobby for additional funding support for selffunded and international Postgraduates
  2. Continuing to campaign for specialised information sessions for first generation Postgraduates
  3. Initiating a largerscale widening participation campaign, which will remove barriers to Postgraduatelevel study for students from liberation groups

Equality and Equity in Learning and Teaching:

  1. Continuing to support PGRs who teach with access to opportunities and awareness of their rights
  2. Continuing the redevelopment of Postgraduatelevel Personal Tutor and Supervisor roles, maintaining a Postgraduate led approach
  3. Expanding the study skills and careers support available to Postgraduate Taught students

Undergraduate Education Officer

The Undergraduate Education Officer represents undergraduate students on learning and teaching experience and academic and welfare-related support matters.


James Fishwick

Who is James Fishwick and why should you vote for him?

  1. I  am a third year history student with an interest and a proven track record and experience in standing up for and representing students surrounding issues on education.
  2. From being chair of the widening participation network and forcing a uturn on a disastrous bursaries policy to being president of the 93% club Bristol during its most successful year ever.
  3. Education is my thing, and I have many values, principles and ideas for a radical, liberating and accessible education provision at the University of Bristol.

My manifesto for a radical, liberating and accessible education.

Education experience

  1. Continue work on decolonisation and arms off campus.
  2. Double the number of student refugee scholarships.
  3. Academic freedom for the digital age.
  4. Review into fees paid for year abroad and placement years.
  5. Access whilst you are here, with a university representative of society.

Exams and assessment

1. Creating an exam and assessment format fit for students and the new university during and post covid19 pandemic.

2. Self-certification for racial trauma as extenuating circumstances. (building on 2020 policy)

3. Continued push on addressing the degree awarding gap


  1. Tutors to be given training in mental health first aid.
  2. Sponsor the training of new counsellors and hiring recent Bristol graduates.


  1. Creation of a SU decolonisation network.
  2. Creation of a student staff solidarity network.
  3. Termly academic societies presidents forum.
  4. Change and contextualise the names of university buildings
  5. Community, rights and political education lecture series.

Nicole Antoine

Increase student support - 

Continued effort throughout the year to ensure that there is appropriate and reliable student support, through the development of a suitable personal tutor system by working collaboratively with lecturers and students for transparency. Additionally, helping to develop an effective extenuating circumstances and extension system, achieved through lesioning with staff and taking action from the feedback of students. All with aims to ensure clear streamline of communication throughout personal tutor services and student services.

Promote inclusivity, diversity and accessibility - 

Furthered promotion of Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority groups, and available opportunities will be worked on, as well as ensuring a safe and celebrated space, through collaborating with related networks and societies. Efforts for a universally accessible educational space will also be worked on, through constant meetings and revisions of accessible appropriate university campus spaces. The disparities of the experience of different ethnic groups in Bristol will also be addressed such as the race equality charter, as well as the detrimental implications of the Augar report, continuing to ensure the completely necessary Bristol summer school camps and other schemes promoting widening participation.

Develop transparency of student services -

Making sure students are aware of the university services available to them, as well as developing and enhancing on these services through utilising student feedback, ensuring the undergraduate learning experience is as fulfilling as possible. This will be enabled through constant signposting of all the university services, support and systems readily available to students in order for students to feel as supported as possible contributing towards an enriching higher education experience.

International Students Officer

The International Students' Officer represents international students on all aspects of the international student experience.


Hassan Al Nabulsi

International vision, student mission!

As an International student I have experienced different educational levels starting from international foundation year, Bachelor and presently Master forming a clear understanding of what to expect as a foreign student at university. Therefore, actions should be taken for the purpose of evolving the best environment for international students.

If elected aiming for developing three pillars which are Engage, Motivate, and Support designated as ESM student essentials:


Engagement is simply to live the student life and enjoy it.

Extra curriculum activities besides existing clubs and societies in addition to many voluntary opportunities with a broad definition of adventures.

Minimizing discrimination of any kind against students and seeks to apply restraint consequences.


The motivation pillar objective is facilitating engagement, by taking part in activities that will boost students belonging to the SU and the university.

Creating new activities based on the students’ needs nevertheless the main objective is to pick the right activity matching the student requirements, in short to make life easier.

Many will start asking why to get motivated the answer to this is rather learn how to get motivated. Everyone will need a spark to fire up from time to time.

Support services:

Our ultimate mission is keeping repeating that we are here for you so ask us and talk to us.

Concentrating on international students’ wellbeing, also links to academic facilities via extra provided tools of education and development.

To raise any dispute and our views as international students.

Sujith Gopi Kannan

Hi Everyone! My name is Sujith, and I'm running for the International Students Officer role this year. I am originally from India and am currently studying MSc Management at the University of Bristol. Being an international student myself, I experienced many differences when I moved to the UK for the first time. Though our University offers various support and guidance for international students, I think there are still many areas to be perfected in order to make the transition feel better for an international student.

If elected, I will

  1. host regular social events such as game nights, movie nights, city tours, and networking events to get to know many people and make good friends.
  2. start a digital platform where international students can connect with fellow students or alumni to find accommodation, part-time jobs, internships, etc.
  3. issue a free guide(book) like a starter kit, where all basic information will be provided such as how to open a bank account, how to apply for national insurance, how to register at the GP, places to visit in summer, etc.
  4. host many live events to improve communication and language fluency, such as Just A Minute(JAM), as many international students feel communication as a barrier.
  5. Hang a suggestion/complain box which will be read and acknowledged every 2 weeks.

Vote for me because

  1. I have excellent communication skills and can convey a message clearly.
  2. I have been the Brand Ambassador of my college department and have hosted many events such as Symposiums, Tech-Fest, etc.
  3. I have leadership experience as I worked in a corporate company for 2 years and have experience in managing a team.
  4. I'm a super chill person and am very energetic !! So why not...


Trevor Ntutu

Hello, my name is Trevor Ntutu I am an international student from Kenya, currently in my 4th year of Aerospace Engineering (MEng). I have been in student leadership since 2018 as course rep for my cohort and I played the role of president of the East African Society in 2020-2021, during the height of COVID’s grip on higher education. I am the ideal candidate for the International Students’ Officer role, as I fully understand the excitement and anxiety of being an international student. I have already been working to improve student experience and I am very determined to deliver my goals so;


  1. Easy Entry: International students coming into the country through London currently pay £40 for the airport transfer service by the University to Bristol after an often lengthy and expensive flight. This service costs more than what it would cost to get a national express coach. I aim to lobby the university to acquire funding and make the service free and available for all incoming students.
  2. Inclusion: An integrated experience with different cultures is essential to make the most out of your university experience. To help students gain this I will work with cultural societies as well as the Global Lounge to set up food festivals, socials, and sports days to give everyone the chance to interact.
  3. Careers: As an international student it is quite common to not be aware of existing opportunities offered to us. In particular, the best way to build your profile to land internships and graduate schemes in the UK. To solve this, I plan to work with the careers office to develop guides and workshops tackling CV writing, interview skills, assessment days and any language barriers necessary.

Sport & Student Dev Officer

The Sport and Student Development Officer represents students on sport, exercise and health issues, as well as on issues relating to students' personal development.


Lucy Matthews

I have always loved sport and my year as Club Captain of Women’s Football has made me love it more. I have been heavily involved in sport across my three years at university. As Sport and Student Development officer I would aim to improve Bristol sport around three areas: Inclusivity and Transparency, Environmental strategies, and Personal Development.


Increase participation levels of LGBTQ+ athletes

  1. Develop a code of conduct to outline what is expected within sport
  2. Introducing ‘genderless’ leagues both competitive and not
  3. Working with SEH to provide gender-neutral facilities at Coombe
  4. Organise talks with LGBTQ+ athletes

Injured athletes

  1. Develop rehab programmes with SEH and S&C for injured athletes to use to help their recovery and still able to attend sessions.
  2. Making coaching qualifications more accessible and affordable for clubs with injured athletes

Increase the transparency between Clubs, the SU and SEH

  1. Develop a checklist system everyone can identify what has been achieved and what is still needing attention
  2. Produce a survey with SEH to be sent round all clubs at least twice a term to raise any issues or concerns and ensure that clubs can request a meeting with SEH.
  3. Improve the equality of pitch allocation between clubs


Reduce the use of single-use plastic at Coombe Dingle 

  1. Working with the bar to provide an eco-friendly cup scheme, reducing the amount of single-use plastic.

Personal development 

  1. Given feedback from CC forums develop the balloon scheme to make it more accessible to societies and more valuable to members and students
  2. Develop a system which allows student leaders to track their personal development and skills they’ve learnt to be transferred onto a CV.
  3. Create more opportunities for recognition for students leaders, athletes and clubs. For example, team of the month.


Increase participation levels of LGBTQ+ athletes

  1. Develop a code of conduct to outline what is expected within sport
  2. Introducing ‘genderless’ leagues both competitive and not
  3. Working with SEH to provide gender-neutral facilities at Coombe
  4. Organise talks with LGBTQ+ athletes

Injured athletes

  1. Develop rehab programmes with SEH and S&C for injured athletes to use to help their recovery and still able to attend sessions.
  2. Making coaching qualifications more accessible and affordable for clubs with injured athletes

Increase the transparency between Clubs, the SU and SEH

  1. Develop a checklist system everyone can identify what has been achieved and what is still needing attention
  2. Produce a survey with SEH to be sent round all clubs at least twice a term to raise any issues or concerns and ensure that clubs can request a meeting with SEH.
  3. Improve the equality of pitch allocation between clubs


Reduce the use of single-use plastic at Coombe Dingle 

  1. Working with the bar to provide an eco-friendly cup scheme, reducing the amount of single-use plastic.

Personal development 

  1. Given feedback from CC forums develop the balloon scheme to make it more accessible to societies and more valuable to members and students
  2. Develop a system which allows student leaders to track their personal development and skills they’ve learnt to be transferred onto a CV.
  3. Create more opportunities for recognition for students leaders, athletes and clubs. For example, team of the month.

Mwininumbu Osman Salifu


I am running for sports director as I believe I have the passion, responsibility and skills required for this position. I believe that by organising various sporting activities for the society, this will give everyone the chance to explore something new. Most importantly, engagement in these activities can strengthen bonds within our community and bring a greater sense of belonging in our society. As  sports director, I will be open and willing to collaborate and listen to any opinions regarding sports and actively make improvements to give everyone a delightful sporting experience within our society.


  1. Provide various sporting activities tailored to member preferences.
  2. Organise, plan and coordinate any sporting events within the society.
  3. Collaboration with other societies for sporting meetups.
  4. Organise friendly sporting matches with other universities.
  5. Making intramural sport more accessible for all students, through lowering participation costs, increasing the amount of intramural sports and increasing publicity.
  6. Ensure the subsidising of sports-pass to enable all students attend sport games.
  7. Ensure the university subsidizes Gym registration.

Qualities: Responsible, Passionate, Efficient, Open-minded, Attentive

Becoming a sports officer, I would ensure that the sports clubs at the University would be heard by the SU, by offering drop-in sessions every two weeks where students are able to speak about any concerns or problem that their club is having. We want to provide support and assistance for captains when organising fixtures and training, including help organising match day officials.

I aim for every student to have the opportunity to be positively influenced by sports at UoB. I would be happy to help anyone that wishes to take up a new sport at UoB, whether this is one which is already offered or a completely new sport which isn’t currently available at the University.

Equality Liberation and Access Officer

The Equality, Liberation and Access Officer represents students on equality, diversity and widening participation issues, and ensures that all students’ voices are represented within the SU and University.


Han Morgan

I'm Han Morgan (they/them) and I'm campaigning to be Bristol SU's next Equality Liberation and Access Officer!

If elected, my main aims will be:


  • Zero tolerance for discrimination across all society activity and university life.
  • Representation of our student body's varied lived experiences in academic life, both in course material and staffing.
  • Establish a system of personalised and tailored academic and pastoral support, individual to each student.


  • Raise and maintain high standards for accessible facilities on campus.
  • Increase the accessibility of the Student Health Service, and accessing NHS services as a student.
  • Reform the University's system of Disability Officers.


  • Lobby the University for mandatory comfort breaks in all teaching spaces.
  • Establish a "no expectations" space in the Richmond Building.
  • Increase the number of campus spaces where students know they are able to eat, drink and socialise on their own terms.

Thanks for reading, vote Han #1 for ELA!

Robyn Collip

A bit about me

  • I am currently the Inclusivity and Diversity Officer for UOB DanceSoc
  • I am a 3rd (and final) year BSc Economics and Management Student
  • I am a member of the LGBTQ+, Widening Participation (WP) and Disabled Student networks
  • I work on a lot of WP events as a Student Ambassador
  • I am the course rep for Final year Management students and have been a course rep in first and second year also.

Imogen Andrews

Increase funding for wellbeing services

University mental health support services are understaffed, students struggling with mental health problems are slipping through the cracks and the disability co-ordinator role isn’t fit for purpose. Consistent support needs to be provided to students experiencing bereavement as a result of the mental health crisis, therefore I will lobby the university to redevelop the disability co-ordinator role into a 121 scheme, in which students known to disability and wellbeing services will be allocated a trained staff mentor for bi-weekly check-ins and help accessing support services.

Resist the Augar report

The UK Government’s response to the Augar report (released February 2022) will see student finance withheld from students achieving less than a C grade in English and Maths and number controls on courses that don’t deliver ‘good outcomes’. Both criteria would disproportionately affect students from disadvantaged backgrounds, broadening the class divide at university. I will implore the university to lobby against the report and request a guarantee that ‘widening participation summer schools’ must still take place.

Funding towards decolonisation of the curriculum and more working groups

It is essential that we continue to strive towards an anti-racist university. I intend to lobby the university to increase the funding and resources directed towards decolonising the curriculum and increase the number of decolonisation working groups across schools.

Guaranteed gender-neutral toilet facilities in new university builds and sports facilities, and ease of access to university medical services

Members of the LGBTQ+ community cannot be expected to work to their full potential if university facilities are not accessible to them. All university buildings that are in the process of being built and all future builds must have gender neutral toilets and gender neutral changing rooms. Additionally, I will lobby for ease of access to university medical facilities for transgender students.

Maggie Watson

Hello all, my name is Maggie, and I am running to be your Equality, Liberation & Accessibility officer. I am a trans and nonbinary bi girl from south-east London

I am suitable for this role due to my experience as equalities rep in my student halls, academic course rep and a committee member for NERF Society. These roles have given me a greater sensitivity and understanding of not only the workings of the University and the SU, but the importance of representing and championing everyone, no matter who they are.

As a neurodivergent LGBTQ+ student, I have experienced the difficulties in being represented fully in university life.

My Policies

  • Continue negotiations around University Wellbeing services and quality of Bristol’s mental health services.
  • Implement mandatory quiet areas at large SU events to support neurodiverse and disabled students.
  • Negotiate with the University for better support for trans students with the aim to have the Students Health Service better support Transgender healthcare.
  • Support staff members pronouns on emails, which encourages pronoun diversity awareness.
  • Work with Sport and Student Development Officer to ensure accessibility in Bristol’s sports.
  • Encourage trans inclusive and gender-neutral sports teams at Bristol.
  • Ensure the University gives excellent education to all students, including those studying from abroad.
  • Champion the rights and representation of all students, especially Bristol’s female, BAME, LGBTQ+, neurodiverse, disabled students and religious groups by representing these groups at meetings to achieve equality and my aims as ELA officer.

As your Equality, Liberation & Accessibility officer, I will work hard to negotiate with university representatives and all parties, enabling me to best achieve my aims, whilst also being capable of best representing minority groups in university life.

Saranya Thambirajah

I’m Saranya, I’m running to be your ELA Officer to break down the barriers that make university life even harder for those of us from marginalised backgrounds and identities.

As a queer, disabled woman of colour my policies will always aim to centre intersectional experiences and drive concrete change based on this.

I do-organised  the Rent Strike in halls, leading to millions of pounds paid back to students & improving isolation support.. I will bring my activism into this role and l fight  for a truly liberated university.

Check out @saranya4ela on Insta and Facebook for more.

My focuses:

  • Campaigning against campus securitisation
  • NO to Prevent
  • NO to Police
  • NO to Profiling
  • A Liberated University 
  • Standing against staff & speakers who incite hate eg. transphobia/Islamophobia/Antisemitism
  • Campaigning to rename buildings that are connected with the salve trade
  • End the university’s complicity in the arms trade
  • Work closely with societies & networks to amplify & represent marginalised voices
  • Real support for victims of sexual violence 
  • An anonymous complaints system
  • Training for societies on how to handle to SV/ harassment
  • Comprehensive counselling for victims
  • Working Wellbeing & Mental Health Support
  • A diverse range of counsellors to support students with marginalised lived experiences
  • Put eating disorders & unhealthy diet culture on the agenda
  • More accessible extensions & extenuating circumstances
  • A working Student Health Service
  • Treating mental illnesses as the disabilities that they are
  • Making university life more comfortable for trans & gender-nonconforming students
  • Ensure gender-affirming healthcare
  • Active training for staff
  • Sanitary products in all bathrooms
  • Equal Access, Equal Outcomes 
  • Expanding the accommodation bursary & hardship funds and other financial support for low income students
  • Free contraception & sexual health testing on campus
  • An intersectional approach to research on inclusion & access

Voting starts at 9:00 Tuesday 8 March and finishes at 21:00 on Thursday 10 March

Vote for your chosen candidates at

Featured Image: Epigram

Have you cast your vote in the SU elections yet?