Greta Thunberg due to join climate strike in Bristol

Greta Thunberg due to join climate strike in Bristol

By Patrick Sullivan, Co-Editor-in-Chief

The teenage activist and global sensation announced she will be in attendance on 28 February with Bristol Youth Strike 4 Climate.

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager who has inspired young people all around the world to campaign on climate change, will be in Bristol on 28 February to join a Bristol Youth Strike 4 Climate march.

The protest will start on College Green at 1100 and Thunberg announced her attendance on Twitter on Saturday morning, saying she was ‘looking forward to joining the school strike in Bristol’.

Bristol as a city has embraced her environmentally friendly message and a 15-metre-high mural of her by local artist Jody Thomas is painted on a wall by an Aldi in Southville.

The 17 year old has gained recognition around the world for her campaigning and, in August 2019, she travelled to the US from Plymouth via a racing yacht in order to send her message using carbon neutral transport.

In 2019, Thunberg was the youngest ever TIME Person of the Year and named among the magazine’s 100 most influential people that year as well. They described her as a ‘next-generation leader’ who has brought ‘to a fragmented world a voice that transcends backgrounds and borders’.

A spokesperson from Bristol Youth Strikes 4 Climate said: ‘We are so excited to have Greta in Bristol and to strike with her is even more amazing!

‘She is someone that millions of people look up to and we hope that we have made her proud. Hopefully we will have a massive turnout in support of her and the climate!’

Featured image: Epigram / Patrick Sullivan

Are you inspired by Greta Thunberg to join the climate strikes?