Review: The Big Moon @ Rough Trade

Review: The Big Moon @ Rough Trade

By Jake Paterson, Co-Deputy Music Editor

Charting enough infectious indie-pop charm for a lifetime on the indie circuit, The Big Moon’s latest project Here is Everything looks inwards to the outward displays of affection that underpin the closest human connections. Having played their release party the night before, supposedly filled with “loads of tequila” and staggering home at 1am just to awake your new baby and stay up until 5am, the gig was in equal parts chaotic and un-polished, and simultaneously celebratory and cathartic.

“We’re like waterballoons tonight” bassist Celia Archer suggested, that at any slight pinch an eruption of emotion could come falling out, of love for the admiration shown on the record by the audience, or the swell of love for the togetherness of the band members on stage.

The Big Moon / Jake Paterson

Opening with lead single ‘Wide Eyes’ from the new album, the effortlessness of performance poured out with style and precision. This confidence grew on the other tracks from the album including ‘Daydreaming’ and the glittering ‘This Love’. Album opener ‘2 Lines’, supposedly about the moment when you’re sat on the toilet and discover you’re pregnant passed a gentle sway through the crowd, infecting the audience having only been out in the world for little over 24 hours.

Returning to older tracks ‘Don’t Think’ and the warm receival of ‘Barcelona’, we were let into the knowledge that guitarist Soph Nathan now uses two amps for a little more self-indulgence. Having started the band as teenagers lead singer Juliette Jackson noted that they were aware of the fact that “we’re girls and we look like girls” when asked for help carrying their own gear at festivals determined for an independent spirit, but now being at the stage where any help is very welcome. “F*** the patriarchy but don’t break your back doing it”, she joked.

The Big Moon / Jake Paterson

Jumping back into the only track played from their debut Love in the 4th Dimension (much to my dismay at holding out for a glimpse of either ‘Sucker’ or ‘Cupid’), the band performed the opening to ‘Formidable’ in a close embrace, singing the first verse acapella before picking up the guitars and shredding back the belting the chords. It had an otherwise pleasant and warm crowd jumping up from their feet in a joyous celebration.

Closing with the anthemic ‘Your Light’, the band solidified themselves as one of the most enigmatic bands currently orbiting the UK indie scene, I certainly hope they land back in the West country sometime again soon.

Featured Image: Jake Paterson

Have you seen The Big Moon live?