FUZE 2018: meet the girls

Online Style Editor Hannah Worthington interviews the girls modelling for FUZE, Bristol's upcoming annual 'fashion, dance and music show' which made its debut in 2003. Since its founding, FUZE has raised in excess of £120,000 for charity, and this year, all fundraising is going to One25, which reaches out to women trapped in vulnerable street sex work. Click here to buy your tickets for the show on March 10th and 11th at the Passenger Shed. But for now, lets meet the girls...
With singers harmonising and dancers swirling; FUZE 2018 is well under way in its rehearsal process. To crank up the already bubbling hype for a show of creativity and style, lets get to know the girls modelling for FUZE this year by asking them a series of simple and wit-provoking questions:
- Do you have any hobbies outside of your degree?
- What is your favourite clothing item in your wardrobe?
- Have you ever modelled before?
- Do you have a special talent?
- What would you call your autobiography?
Phoebe Campbell, Second Year, Theatre and Performance
Image: Gaby Ekaireb
Hobbies wise, it very much relates to my course - a lot of drama. I love a good bit of art too, painting plates at Flying Saucer is a top hobby.
Ooh favourite clothing item is a tough one. I’m a big fan of turtle necks as a classic basic, so I have a fair few of those. Either that, or probably my zebra print coat because it makes me feel like in in Ab Fab
I’ve never modelled before
Wish I had a special talent - but alas, no.
The name of my autobiography? 'Campbell's Soup (of the day)'.
Molly Steere, Third Year, History
Image: Gaby Ekaireb
My favourite item (or items) of clothing has to be my sparkly pink trainers - any excuse for glitter.
I have never modelled before, only as a baby when I was cute and fat.
My hobbies mainly include dance - I am also in the dance section of FUZE. Oh, and I love watching friends.
I can fit a whole bag of M&M’s in to my mouth.
The name of my autobiography? ‘Illegally blonde’.
Sophie Thomas, Third Year, English
Image: Gaby Ekaireb
Hobbies: I love fashion and beauty because they allow me to be so creative. I also love to bake.
My favourite piece of clothing is probably my little pink denim jacket - I wear it far too much.
I’ve modelled before outside of Uni, but this will be my first time in FUZE. I’ve done some professional stuff which is always fun. You just have to get over the initial weirdness of the photographer looking at you so intently. But you get to meet crazy and amazing people.
My special talent is probably baking and cake decorating as I am a qualified artisan. I’m also good at being able to talk myself out of any situation.
Ruth Wormington, First Year, Childhood Studies
Image: Gaby Ekaireb
I love to dance and act as my two main hobbies, so I spend more time in rehearsals than in university. You’ll probably find me in the SU, using socialising as a method to forget how much work I haven’t done.
My favourite clothing item would have to be my pink striped sequin playsuit. It wins every time.
I have never modelled before!
Special talent... I can make a really good ginger bread house?!
The name of my autobiography? ‘Welcome to the tragic universe that is my sad life (Georgia Nicholson inspired)'
Annabel Ohene, Second Year, Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Image: Gaby Ekaireb
I’d say playing the piano is my main hobby, but I’ve recently started going to life drawing.
I love my collection of funky trousers - especially my green flares.
I was in FUZE last year, which was amazing because it’s for such a good cause. It is great to be back doing it again. Since then, I have modelled for Winifred Rose and Linda Thomas; designers whose clothes we modelled un FUZE 2017.
Special talent? Yes: distinguishing men from boys
The name of my autobiography? ‘You’re just weird’
Caitlin Gainer, Third Year, Experimental Psychology
Image: Gaby Ekaireb
Hobbies: Running and shopping.
My best clothing item is a bright red sequinned belly dancer outfit that I wore for my 21st birthday.
This is my third year modelling in FUZE and every year it is so much fun.
Special talent: I do a really good Cher impression.
The name of my autobiography? ‘Pretending your Primark is Prada: the life of a shopping obsessed student’.
Anna Grace, Fourth Year, Neuroscience
Image: Gaby Ekaireb
Hobbies wise, I play volleyball and enjoy painting, I am not a secret Da Vinci or anything though.
My favourite item is an incredible oversized jumper, it’s stand out qualities are super long sleeves and incredible softness. If I could live in it; I would.
I haven’t modelled before, FUZE is my first time.
I wish I had a special talent. I can wiggle my ears… does that count?
The name of my autobiography? ‘Thanks for the meme-ories’.
Flora Gibbs, Third Year, Classics
Image: Gaby Ekaireb
Hobbies wise, I ride horses.
I have many favourites, but their probably just some designer items I 'borrowed' out of my Mum's wardrobe (she worked in the fashion industry).
I do model outside of University and I really enjoy it. You get to work with really innovative and creative people which is always good fun. I also did FUZE last year.
Apparently in terms of talents I'm quite good at rapping... or at least that's what my friends have told me. I also present Stoke Bishop Stories on UBTV with Joe Lewis.
The name of my autobiography? 'That's a good question'.
Tania Leslau, First Year, History of Art
Image: Karen Ryska
Art and Music are my main hobbies.
My favourite item in my wardrobe is my Sandro velvet bomber jacket.
I have been signed to a modelling agency since I was fifteen, and I have modelled internationally on my Gap Year. I've done shoots for British and Italian Vogue, and walked in London Fashion Week SS17 - amazing, but pretty scary.
Talent: I can smash a tub of Ben and Jerry's quicker than anyone I know.
Name of my autobiography? 'In progress...'
Poppy Freeman, Law
Image: Gaby Ekaireb