FUZE 2018: meet the boys

FUZE 2018: meet the boys

Online Style Editor Hannah Worthington interviews the boys modelling for FUZE, Bristol's upcoming annual 'fashion, dance and music show' which made its debut in 2003. Since its founding, FUZE has raised in excess of £120,000 for charity, and this year, all fundraising is going to One25, which reaches out to women trapped in vulnerable street sex work. Click here to buy your tickets for the show on March 10th and 11th at the Passenger Shed. But for now, lets meet the boys...

With singers harmonising and dancers swirling; FUZE 2018 is well under way in its rehearsal process. To crank up the already bubbling hype for a show of creativity and style, lets get to know the boys modelling for FUZE this year by asking them a series of simple and wit-provoking questions:

  1. Do you have any hobbies outside of your degree?
  2. What is your favourite clothing item in your wardrobe?
  3. Have you ever modelled before?
  4. Do you have a special talent?
  5. What would you call your autobiography?

James Leek, Third Year, Law

Image: Gaby Ekaireb

My main hobby is football and I play for centre back for the UBLC football club. I also enjoy cooking, darts and running. But I end up spending most of my time watching Netflix.

I have a vintage shirt with a sort of Aztec print which I’ve had since I was fifteen. I feel like this is what I’m wearing when my friends picture me.

On modelling: I’ve never really done anything like this before, but it should be a fun experience.

I don’t know if this can be considered a talent, but I am strangely flexible and can put both my legs behind my head

The name of my autobiography? ‘How to grow Leeks’

Alfie Sears, Third Year, Physics

Image: Gaby Ekaireb

My favourite clothing or accessory would have to be my sherbet pink new balance shoes.

My hobbies include going to the gym and any sports, festivals, plus my dog.

This is my first year in FUZE and my first time doing anything like this - 100% out of place (haha).

A special talent would have to be my strip tease; I wouldn’t look out of place in Magic Mike. Oh, and I can juggle.

The name of my autobiography? ‘Finding new lows, The Musings of Alfie Sears’

Jamie McEvoy, Third Year, Psychology

Image: Gaby Ekaireb

My hobbies include making cocktails, playing video games and playing sports.

I was a model at three years old in Thailand and a company wanted to use me in an advert, but my Dad said no because it was taking too much time outside of school. It was sad and anti-climactic.

I would say my special talent is gymnastics - doing a backflip on the dance floor can really save you sometimes.

The name of my autobiography? Well, I’d either call it, ‘The many ways you can lose a phone’ or, ‘Through my Asian Eyes - a Small Story’.

Oli Rowlands, Third Year, Biology

Image: Gaby Ekaireb

My hobbies include hockey, scuba diving and skiing.

I probably don’t have one favourite item of clothing. I’m a comfort over style kinda guy, so a big warm jumper is my go to.

I have only ever modelled for FUZE, but this is my third year of doing it.

I’m not sure I have any special talents… I used to be able to hold my breath for four minutes, but I’m not sure if I can still do that though.

The name of my autobiography? How about ‘the art of doing little, achieving less’.

Daniel Visser, First Year, Physics

Image: Gaby Ekaireb

Hobbies include pretty much anything that gets me outdoors. I’m also very into cooking and hope to open my own restaurant one day.

My favourite clothing item would be my PJ’s for sure.

Have you ever modelled before? Nope.

I’m alright at juggling.

The name of my autobiography? ‘Third Time’s the Charm’.

Joshua Wellington, Third Year, Medicine

Image: Gaby Ekaireb

I modelled for FUZE last year. It was a great show - I’m missing the free pass on wearing short shorts.

My special talent is ruining your day when I sing.

The name of my autobiography? ‘Wait … I don’t get it’.

Yemi Falana, Third Year, Economics

Image: Gaby Ekaireb

I love American Football, Football, and Poker, so they're my three main hobbies.

My special talent is procrastination.

The name of my autobiography? ‘Confessions of a Failed Athlete’.

Xoa Sapara, First Year, Education Studies

My hobbies include cooking and partying.

Favourite item would have to be my sliders (essential).

I have modelled before, but it was when I was a lot younger.

I can play guitar, so that's my special talent.

The name of my autobiography? ‘The life of Xoa’.

Anthonell Peccoo

I don’t study at Bristol uni, I’ve been living in Bristol since the age of eight and now I am twenty-three.

I have many hobbies. I dance, I ride my bike. I do ‘photo shoots’ with friends; just because.

I couldn’t choose just one clothing piece - my Versace jacket, Tommy Hilfiger and my Crooks and Castle jacket are all up there.

I have done a few low level runway walks, and a short for Succeed. It was a fun day and I have stayed in contact with the founder.

My main talent is that I can dance.

The name of my autobiography? ‘Simplistic, Realistic, Minimalistic'.

Aaron Chapman, Third Year, Law

Hobbies: Primarily Netflix and Chill. But when I’m not doing that, I’m swimming

My white shirt would be my favourite clothing item. If in doubt, wear a white shirt.

I did FUZE last year. I learnt that walking in a straight line is harder than it looks.

I can just about do the moonwalk, so that's my special talent.

The name of my autobiography? ‘Ask me where I’m “from from”'.

Featured Image: FUZE / Gaby Ekaireb

Want to know more about FUZE? Head on over to their facebook page, or contact Epigram Style for more information

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