From the archives: ‘Hall fees set to soar past £5k’

In 2007, the front-page story was dedicated to the news that some halls had increased their annual charges by 18.7%, an increase that was then ten times the national rate of inflation.
The article tracks the annual price increase of Wills Hall, calling it ‘Bills Hall’ showing how in the academic year 2002/3 the average cost of a room was £2,646. This had increased to £3,359 in 2005/6 and to £4,193 in 2007/8. A single en suite room in Wills now costs £7899.78. This shows an 88% increase in 10 years.
In 2007 there were concerns that price increases would discriminate against some students, with one student telling Epigram: ‘I think it’s dangerous to put up the prices so much, as it just makes it more difficult for people of less privileged social backgrounds to apply. All it’s going to do is increase Bristol’s public-school reputation even further.’
Another student, a Wills returner, argued the halls were worth the price tag: ‘bearing in mind that I’d obviously want the best value for money, I think Wills comes out on top- what with weekly formals, awesome food, beautiful grounds and good sports facilities.’
Other halls showed a significant price increase in the academic year 2007/8. Badock Hall increased in price by 17.7%, Hiatt Baker and Churchill by 5.3%, CHH by 5.8%. The article points out that despite University Hall being by far remaining the cheapest hall, prices rose by 20% in one year, with a single room with en suite costing £3,382 that year. The cheapest en suite room at UH now costs £6329.40, showing an 87% increase in 10 years, virtually the same increase as Wills.
First published in Epigram (5th November 2007)
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