Bristol SU to review Source Cafe prices and offer a wider variety in upcoming Senate food court

By Hannah Worthington, Online Editor

In response to a 'Food for Thought' survey distributed to staff and students in November 2018, Bristol SU have since released a summary of objectives and goals, centring their focus on affordability and greater variety.

Of the approximately 1,200 staff and students who took part in the survey, only 35% of staff and 21% of students agreed they were currently receiving value for money from the university’s catering outlets. A review of Source Cafe prices is currently being undertaken. A more immediate mean-time solution has been to introduce a greater variety of 'Grab and Go' options such as sushi and hot food.

‘If the University is truly serious about widening accessibility and ensuring that people from all backgrounds can study...

Posted by Epigram on Thursday, 8 November 2018

71% of staff and 50% of students also did not feel that current provision offered a good choice and variety of food on campus, with many favouring more spots to eat packed lunches. These issues are being tailored for in the new Senate food court build that is to open in September 2020:

'Students’ desire for pizza and all-day breakfast and staff’s desire for a saladbar and quick grab and go options have all been taken into account and incorporated into plans for the new large food court in Senate House, which we expect will have something for everyone.'

For now, the SU Balloon Bar is to introduce a new menu, with students being able to 'build' their own breakfast and burger. Students equally want to see more Italian cuisine, Mexican, British, Chinese, Japanese and other Middle Eastern options in our catering spots.

A third of respondents to the SU survey were vegetarian or vegan, disagreeing that the University catered for their dietary requirements. This, again, is to become a central feature of the new SU bar, and in Langford, more vegetarian and vegan options have already been introduced, including a vegetarian soup, vegan wraps and paninis.

Loyalty cards and midweek mark down of £1 chips have equally been introduced.

Featured Image: Gabi Spiro / Epigram