Editorial 327: Earthquakes, snow and fire

Editorial 327: Earthquakes, snow and fire

**It’s that time of the year when we have to say goodbye to what has become pretty much the focus of our lives at University. **

It feels like just yesterday that we were struggling to send our first issue off to print (the word ‘struggling’ here is a light term for desperately trying to revive a suite of computers to lay the paper up at all). It feels just as recent that each of us even began Epigram in the first place, reading through the welcome guide and trying to choose between Epigram, Helicon, or Intermission (but never, ever, the Tab).

Despite a few mistakes, the most notable being the miscalculation of our own 30th anniversary (we hope you all enjoy the celebrations next year!), we are extremely proud of our achievements this year. We are officially the Best Student Publication in the South of England and were highly commended for our use of digital media in the national awards. One of our editors, Oliver Cohen, was also highly commended for his interview with Jonathan Evans, former head of MI5. In addition to all these, we were nominated for seven different awards at the national Student Publication Awards in Cardiff in early April.

Our achievements are not just limited to formal recognition; this year has also seen the unveiling of our new website, the publication of hard-hitting investigations, and constant improvements to the design of the paper. We have always kept our content Bristol and student-relevant and give all-year training to our incredibly talented team of editors.

It has been an almost apocalyptic year, what with strikes, pastoral reviews, and even earthquakes, snow and fire, but Epigram has been there to cover it all. As Ben Parr said in his final editorial last year we have a small readership but a big impact, and as such Epigram has been instrumental in facilitating discussion about the major events of the year.

We hope Epigram will continue discussions around mental health, diversity and equality, the increasing commodification of higher education, sustainability and student satisfaction, and that the University’s Senior Management will take on the concerns of students to make Bristol the best, most inclusive university it can be.

Thanks to all of the people, past and present, editorial team business team, writers, illustrators and Barry who have made Epigram what it is. Thank you for the friendships, for the support and all of your great work this year. Thank you to the rest of the Senior Team who have made our jobs a lot easier. Georgia, Lucy, Joe, and the Webmasters have smashed the creation of our new website, while we couldn’t have coped without the help of Edie and Mary in sending the paper off to print every two weeks.

Epigram is not just a paper but a society, a network of friendships that wouldn’t have developed otherwise. Numerous socials, balls, layup sessions and editorial meetings later, we know just how much Epigram means to our writers and editors.

Our Epigram journeys are both at an end - despite being on the verge of a spontaneous Masters’ in order to stay on. We are pleased to announce that we have selected and begun handing over to our new team. Given the affectionate and efficient (and sometimes competitive) nature of our own partnership, we decided to continue the Co-Editor structure by choosing Ed Southgate and Cameron Scheijde to take our places - familiar names to all our readers we’re sure as they have already worked on this year’s Comment Team together. Their Deputy will be current News Editor Nikki Peach who is more than capable in continuing Epigram’s reputation for hard-hitting investigations and stories. Taking over the online side is Hannah Worthington, current Online Style Editor, and the Online Deputies will be Music’s Kate Hutchison and Oliver Cohen from Science & Tech.

We are extremely happy with our selection which pulls in individuals with a variety of skills and backgrounds, and are confident they will continue to enhance Epigram’s already impressive legacy. Good luck team, we hope you enjoy your next year as much as we have.

With that, we say goodbye to Epigram, sitting in the stifling, airless room that is the SU media suite with a glass of prosecco in hand. Thank you for reading and engaging with Epigram this year, as ultimately the paper wouldn’t be what it is without Bristol students.

Originally published in Epigram 327.

If you have any feedback on our year at Epigram let us know:

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