Coffee for coffee's sake

From the humble to the artisan, the homely to the technical, coffee is an art form accessible to all. Epigram Arts goes beneath the foam to discover the beauty of this glorious beverage.

Whether you enjoy a single fresh brew with your breakfast, or need several cups throughout the day to fuel your heavy library stints, most of us would agree that coffee is a staple part of the student lifestyle. With three caffeine-fuelled years of undergraduate study under their belts, these Bristol students are well-equipped to share what they think makes a beautiful coffee...

Epigram / Abigail Alltimes. Coffee from Epiphany Cafe

Quotes from the Coffee Connoisseurs

'Call me a coffee heretic but I love to order a mocha. The sweet aftertaste and cocoa-y tasting notes really float my boat. A good mocha requires the perfect ratio of choc to coffee, milk heated to 70 degrees, thick froth and a light dusting of cocoa powder. Latte art preferable, but not a requirement.'
-Flora Whyte, Coffee Heretic, Third Year Geography

'A beautiful cup of coffee is all about the ingredients; the perfect espresso, made of a rich Brazilian blend, and a steady handed delicate swirl of steamed milk.'
-Livi Player, Recently trained Barista, Arts Online Deputy Editor

'One tablespoon per person in the cafetiere + 1 extra in the pot, bit of cold water on the beans so that you don’t scald them with the hot, then slowly add in the hot, wait 7 mins exactly, plunge, bam.'
-Matt Jerome, Coffee Pedant, Third Year English

Epigram / Livi Player. Coffee by Livi

'For me, a ‘professional barista’ who only really enjoys ice coffee with a generous helping of vanilla syrup, I find the best coffee actually comes from the milk. Granted, you’ll need to have a dialed in machine and know your extraction time, but really learning how to foam milk is key.

'To make the ideal flat white, once you have your beautiful espresso (please never ask for an eXpresso), steam more milk than you think you will need and stretch it only for a moment - then it’s all about the microfoam. Pour slowly, mixing it in for one rich golden colour and then use the remaining foam to pour the perfect tulip. Enjoy.'
-Lucy Hall, Manager of the Wimbledon Players' Lounge/Coffee Queen, Third Year Theatre & Performance Studies

'A beautiful coffee has been cared for from plant to mug. It will have been brewed with utmost precision and attention to detail, to coax out the depth of scent and flavour.'
-Hannibal Knowles, Coffee Aficionado, Third Year Geography

'The best bit is the plunge. Got to savour that.'
-Jonny Bound, Proud Cafetiere Owner, Third Year Biology

Epigram / Lucy Hall. Coffee by Lucy

'Coffee starts with the beans, they need to be well roasted and freshly ground. They make coffee a completely different experience.'
-George Gill, Bakesmiths Barista, Third Year History with Innovation

'I love it when there’s a good foam to coffee ratio. Added bonus if there’s chocolate on top. I’d really recommend Rubicon on Cotham Hill. They get the ratio bang on.'
-Tati Dowley, Caffeine Addict, Third Year Arch & Anth

'It’s important not to underestimate the importance of the coffee being served super hot. No one likes a lukewarm latte, no matter how pretty the art on top is. Having said that though, I do really appreciate it when the barista takes the time to get a little creative with the foam.'
-Anna Trafford, Flat White Fanatic, Deputy Arts Editor

'Really, a beautifully-made coffee is the most reliable - and most relied upon - work of art: an exhibition might be too whacko or a play become dull, but coffee always reinvigorates and satisfies your senses.'
-*Alina Young, Forever With Coffee in Hand, Arts Editor *

Epigram / Jasmine Burke. Coffee by Playground Coffee House

Bristol's best Coffee Shops

For the serious bean connoisseur
Coffee + Beer
16 Cotham Hill
Slick and to the point, this independent coffee shop is a no frills establishment that’s all about flavour. Part retailer, part espresso bar, and with craft beer on tap, they aim to showcase the best of speciality coffee + beer from around the UK. Their ‘try before you buy’ approach to coffee allows you to take the plunge with a new flavour before committing to buying a bag, and the passionate and knowledgeable staff are always up for a chat with fellow coffee fanatics.

For those keen to get into the craft
TwoDay Coffee Roaster
135 St. Michael’s Hill
You may have passed unassuming coffee shop on your sandwich run to Co-Op, but we’d highly recommend you stop by for a takeaway coffee and to oggle at their gadgets. If you’re keen to get into crafting your own perfect cup at home, they sell everything you’d need - from stunning blends to aeropresses. Their USP is a commitment to freshness; read all about the adventurous backstory on their website.

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For the atmosphere hunter
Small St. Espresso
23 Small Street
Cosy and effortlessly cool, Small St. Esperesso is tucked away in the Old Town. While unpretentious, they are serious about their beans: choose from a range of artisan blends, single-origin beans, and regularly rotate their coffees so you can be sure to try something new. The gorgeous lowkey decor of their small premises is a relaxed backdrop to lovingly made brew.

For those who drink hard and play hard
Playground Coffee House
45 St Nicholas Street
Undoubtedly the most playful coffee shop around, here you can sit on a swing or play boardgames while sipping on your afternoon cuppa. Their selection of roasts is small but reliably delicious, and there are rumours that the baristas are rather talented latte artists. With tempting cakes and sandwiches, it’s an ideal pick-me-up.

(Featured image credits: Unsplash / Nathan Dumlao)

Where do you get your coffee art fix? Let us know in the comments below or on social media.

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