Bristol’s Wellbeing Network launches ‘buddy scheme’

By Megan Evans, News Subeditor

Bristol SU’s Wellbeing Network has created the new scheme to help students meet new people, at a time when it is more difficult than ever to do so.

The scheme gives students, especially those studying from abroad, the flexibility to decide whether they would like to meet their groups virtually or otherwise.

The buddy system is open to all Bristol students and ‘works a lot like society family schemes,’ with participants able to choose who they are grouped with based on certain criteria, such as their ideal night out and drinking preferences.

Students are also able to express preferences towards their buddy being LGBTQ+, BAME, international, or a certain gender.

Groups are free to choose whether to meet in-person or virtually, meaning students isolating or living away from Bristol are able to participate in the scheme remotely.

This is particularly prevalent following The Courtrooms and at least one block at Hiatt Baker being placed under lockdown so far.

Sign-ups for the buddy scheme are open until Friday, 6 November.

Featured image: Bristol SU Wellbeing Network

If you would like to join the 'Buddy Scheme' fill out the the SU Wellbeing Network's form here