Bristol to face Tier 3 restrictions from Boxing day

By Georgiana Scott, Deputy Editor

At 12:01am on Boxing day Bristol will move into Tier 3, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has announced.

The decision comes after the UK recorded its highest daily increase in COVID-19 deaths and amid growing concern over the mutated coronavirus strain.

In the 3pm live address Matt Hancock said: ‘We are also taking action in parts of the South West where there are some early signs of the new variants and where cases are rising.

‘Even though case rates in some of these areas are not as high as they are in the areas badly affected - in London and in Kent - the direction is quite clear and in many cases quite stark.’

While for the past week Bristol has enjoyed the reopening of its restaurants and bars, Tier 3 restrictions will mean they are to close again.

You will also not be able to meet with anyone outside your social bubble in indoor and most outdoor spaces.

However, personal care business such as gyms and hairdressers will be allowed to remain open.

Bristol is one of many areas to face higher restrictions following Christmas day, with much of the south entering the toughest tier 4 lockdown.

The full government guidance for Tier 3 can be found here.

Featured Image: Lucy O'Neil / Epigram

Have you been moved into a higher tier? Let us know in the comments.