Bristol rises to 7th in the UK and 65th in the world in new rankings

Bristol rises to 7th in the UK and 65th in the world in new rankings

Rankings from the Centre for World University Ratings (CWUR) have placed the University of Bristol in the top 100 Universities in the world and top 10 in the UK.

The rankings, released last week, assess quality of education, alumni employment, quality of faculties, research output, quality of publications, influence and citations. It is the only global University ranking that measures the quality of education and student training along with the prestige of faculty lecturers, publications and research without relying on the data that Universities submit to rating bodies.

On a national scale, Bristol placed just below the universities of Manchester and Edinburgh, the London colleges of Imperial and UCL and Oxford and Cambridge. Cambridge took the top spot in the UK, and fourth spot in the world.

Bristol fell only four spots behind Oxford on the national ratings. Photo by Sidharth Bhatia / Unsplash

According to these rankings, Harvard University is the best University in the world, followed by Stanford and MIT, all in the United States.

The other UK University to fall in the world's top 100 was King's College, London (68). Nottingham was the next on the list (118), followed by Cardiff (131), Southampton (137), Glasgow (158), Sheffield (162), Warwick (163) and Leeds (164).

The CWUR will release its rankings by subject on Monday.

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