SU officer elections: Meet the Union Affairs candidates

Voting for next year's SU officer positions opens tomorrow (Tuesday 13th March). Epigram interviewed the candidates running the various positions. Meet the people you can vote for as Union Affairs Officer!
Meet the candidates:
Name: Chanté Joseph
Position: Union Affairs
Course: Social Policy with Quantitative Research methods
Year: 3
Why are you the best candidate?
I’m really embedded in the union and union activities but also the Bristol community. The recent BME Powerlist I was a part of, included people half from the university and half from city. I’ve done a lot of work in the city, which I can use to student’s advantages.
I have been JCR president, chair of the student council, ACS president and have taken party in the cheerleading and pole societies. I have also been chair of Labour students and work as part of ‘Bristol is the new Black’. The number of activities within university I have taken part in, I believe make me a good candidate. I set up a mentoring scheme for ACS which also demonstrates my commitment to raising and giving. I’ve got it all covered; raising and giving, and networking. I worked at the student’s union, on the BME attainment project, I know how it works as a separate entity from students.
What one thing do you want to see changed throughout university?
I want to empower societies to be able to do their best, but to also be inclusive of their members. I want to digitalise the union and make the website more accessible and potentially create an SU app. I believe societies should be spaces where everyone can get involved, there is a certain culture at UoB that means it can be difficult to fit in if you’re not a certain way, and I want to change this.
What have you enjoyed most about Bristol?
The freedom and support, if I have an idea I just do it and Bristol has supported me in this, they are always supportive in the ways they help me to pursue idea. As a university, it’s a space to have conversations, I’ve learnt a lot from people who both agree and disagree with me here.
What's your favourite Bristol night out?
Lakota, any night here because I can get in for free as I know the owner! I especially love the Caribbean nights at Lakota, you can catch me dancing on stage!
Name: Stanford
Position: Union Affairs Officer
Course: Politics and International Relations
Year: 4
Why are you the best candidate?
I have a comprehensive set of steps to improve life at the SU and at university level. Given that I am currently Union Affairs Officer, I have the knowledge of the role that will help me deliver from day one. During my role I’ve learned enough to understand what is achievable at University and the SU in a year and so I would begin implementing my ideas straight away to ensure they cross the finish line.
What one thing do you want to see changed throughout university?
The Uni needs to improve information transfer and communication. I would like to reform blackboard, the channels of communication at the moment are not modern enough in my opinion. With things like Uni closing because of snow, that shouldn’t just be a bulletin on blackboard or an email. There should be an app with push notifications, this is a conversation I have already begun.
What have you enjoyed most about Bristol?
The whole place is really beautiful! I’ve lived in a different part of Bristol every year of my degree and each area is so different and lovely. On my walk back from Uni my view just uplifts me and makes me happier, it’s something I haven’t felt in any other city.
What’s your favourite Bristol night out?
I’d have to say Itchy Feet. It’s the up-tempo music it makes you want to boogie and smile.
The election night results will be celebrated on Friday at 6.30pm in the Balloon Bar.
Feature image credit: Bristol
Who do you plan to vote for in the election?
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