Bristol SU holds final Student Council of the academic year

June 5th saw representatives of the student body vote on several motions put forward to the SU

Members of the student body voted today on motions in what was the final Student Council of the academic year. Those eligible to vote included Society Presidents, Sports Captains, Course and Faculty Reps, JCR Presidents, Network Chairs and Student Trustees. Any motions passed become SU policy for the next three years.

The meeting began with full-time Officers giving summaries of their work this year before allowing the audience to question them which no-one chose to do.

The meeting then moved on to the ratification of past motions but because attendance was ten short of a quorate members were unable to ratify motions from the year's previous AMM and Student Council.

The meeting then moved on to motions rolled over from the previous AMM with the voting body choosing first to pass a motion calling for a boycott of the border industry on campus and then for another calling for the establishment of a Multifaith Network. Voters chose not to pass a motion titled "Making PG Education Officer accessible to International PG Students".

The first of the new motions which called for the creation of a full-time Welfare Officer sparked much debate and eventually did not pass after a secret ballot was held.

The second motion, titled "Confronting Transmisogyny On Campus", did pass after another secret ballot following intense debate. A previous version of the motion which had been passed at February's AMM, had been blocked by trustees.

The last of the motions to be voted on was a joint proposal from different members of the student journalism body to increase the the budget of the Freedom of Information team at the university which was passed.

Featured image: Bristol SU

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