Bristol students to walk 230km for fellow student suffering life-changing injuries

Bristol students to walk 230km for fellow student suffering life-changing injuries

30 Bristol University students and friends will be walking 230 kilometers to raise funds for fellow student who suffered life-changing injuries after falling from a tree.

Xander Van Poll, a Bristol Medicine student, fell from a tree in May and sustained injuries that mean he may never walk again. He has been in hospital undergoing treatment and rehabillitation since his fall.

The 230 km walk, aimed at raising funds for the ongoing care and support for Xander Van Der Poll once he leaves hospital, will last for nine days. It will start at Bristol University Medical School, ending at Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, Oswestry.

The walk will be led by Maddie Arnold, a second year medical student. Alongside friends from the University and home, she felt that a long-distance walk between Van Der Poll's university and the hospital where he is undergoing rehabilitation was a fitting tribute to the fellow medical student and United Bristol Hospitals RFC (UBHRFC) player.

The students have set up a Just Giving crowdfunding page: The Xander Trail. So far they have managed to raise over £2000 from friends and family. They will also be carrying a donation bucket for the duration of their walk.

With only 2 days to go Maddie and the organising team are making the final arrangements for the walk and are hoping to meet up with plenty of well-wishers and supporters along their route.

Featured Image: Instagram / @six_weeks_in_bed