Bristol staff amongst top 10 highest paid in the country

By Caitlin Price, Chief Proofreader

Bristol Uni are one of the top 10 universities in the country for members of staff with salaries above £100,000, a new report has revealed.

A Freedom of Information request submitted by the Taxpayers’ Alliance found that 179 staff at Bristol earn over £100,000 per year with four earning over £150,000 and two earning over £200,000. This means Bristol ranks tenth in the UK for the number of staff with a salary of £100,000 or more.

The University of Oxford tops the table with 622 of its staff earning over £100,000. UCL, Imperial College, Cambridge and King’s also completed the top five. Bristol currently tops a number of other ‘prestigious’ institutions, for its highest salaries, including the LSE, Warwick and Durham.

In 2017, Bristol Live reported that Vice-Chancellor Hugh Brady’s annual salary for the 2015/16 academic year was £323,000.

In response to the release of the figures, a spokesperson for the University said: ‘Universities operate on a highly competitive global stage and need to be able to appoint and retain talented individuals from across the world who make a vital contribution to the quality of student learning, to cutting edge research and the wider impact of UK HE institutions.

‘The University of Bristol employs over 7,000 staff and is one the city’s biggest employers.

‘Universities such as Bristol who have a medical school will often have larger numbers of those earning six figures.

‘This is a reflection of combined NHS and University salaries, and the need to secure top clinicians to ensure first class education of the UK’s next generation of doctors and dentists.’

Featured: Unsplash/Colin Watts

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