Books in brief: Quickfire reviews in 30 words or fewer

Arts writers smash out mini reviews of their top reads this month

Curtis Sittenfeld, American Wife

The fictional memoir of a complicated First Lady, by my favourite author for when you’re in the mood for some light – yet not trashy – reading.

(Hope Riley, Third year English)

Heather Morris, The Tatooist of Auschwitz

Telling the true story of Lale Solokov’s experiences as a camp inmate, and how he found love in such a dark place, this is a truly page-turning, moving read.

(Emily Farrow, Second year History)

Zadie Smith, NW

Four figures muddling through life in the capital. Will make Londoners smile in recognition and get just a little homesick.

(Siavash Minoukadeh, First year Liberal Arts)

M. L. Rio, If We Were Villains

Gripping and atmospheric - a tale where fiction and reality merge and seven, young Shakespearean actors become involved in horrors which should only be seen on stage.

(Imogen Howse, Second year English)

Madeleine Miller, Circe

Circe, Goddess of Witchcraft, still manages to stir drama in the world of myth despite being banished to an island.

(Nora Gunn, Third year English)

Toby Campion, Through Your Blood

‘Through Your Blood’ is a witty, touching and sometimes heartbreaking journey through the contemporary LGBT+ experience. Cannot recommend it enough.

(Clodagh Chapman, Third year Geography)

Featured image: Unsplash / Alexis Brown

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