Beauty Column: No squeeze needed to banish your pimple problems

By Orin Carlin, Style Editor

The Croft Magazine // Don't let your pimple party ruin your actual party with our top spot busting products  

Dry January is over. Exams are over. You have literally no other major responsibilities other than making a fool of yourself in Lounge, it would be rude not to. By god, the world is your oyster and it would be weird, or enviable, frankly, if you had not slipped back into your usual uni-student-routine of drinking anything alcoholic as if it was going out of fashion.

Never fear, I can hopefully offer solutions to your skin woes which are no doubt rearing their ugly and angry heads on your undeserving face. As I am writing this, I myself am sporting something particularly red and inflamed - tremendous in size and in might  - on my cupid’s bow, so I truly feel your pain. Attractive, no? Banishable, yes!


Consider salicylic acid a dear friend. It sloughs away dead skin cells and helps unblock pores by removing the excess oil. My mother and I are hopelessly devoted to Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant. Simply douse a cotton pad with Paula's Choice Liquid Exfoliant and sweep it over your face roughly twice a week to keep those pesky spots at bay.


Origins’ Super Spot Remover is a lifesaver. It also uses salicylic acid but in a gel form that you dab on to target individual blemishes. Try not to balk at the price, it lasts for ages and a little goes a long way.

The X-ema Files: How to protect your dry skin this winter

Let us know your best spot busting products!

Featured: Epigram / Laura Mallinson

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