Different ways to enjoy Refreshers' Week

For the majority of students the next few weeks will be full of revision, procrastination and of course, exams. Thus the notion of Refreshers’ Week, starting from the 26th January, is often an exciting prospect to let off some steam following a very stressful period. Freshers’ Week often fails to meet our expectations, and for many a week full of club nights is daunting, so during January’s Refreshers’ week why not try something different?
Refreshers' Fair
Not an altogether ‘alternative’ activity, but an important one nonetheless. First term is often overwhelming but it is never too late to get involved with society life at the university. Joining a society in January is a great way to meet friends outside of your university halls, and to add another dimension to your CV. The fair is being held at the SU on the 27th January from 12 midday until 4pm.
Planetarium Nights
Experience a Planetarium Show at We the Curious on Thursday evenings. At just £7.50 for a student ticket (cheaper than a club ticket and Donervans!) you can explore the stars at these adult-only evenings. Book your ticket online for a brilliantly breath-taking , yet informative, evening amongst the stars - the bar is also open!
The Big Fat Bristol RAG Pub Quiz
Held every Monday during term-time Bristol RAG hosts a pub quiz at the Balloon Bar in the SU. Form a team of six and grab a cheap pint, ready to start quizzing at 8pm. The quiz is just £1 to enter and there are great prizes to win! This is a great way to bond with your flat mates that doesn’t (necessarily) involve excessive alcohol consumption!
View this post on InstagramOoh make it a big one #pubquiz #balloonbar
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Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2018
This annual photography exhibition never fails to be anything less than spectacular. Situated in the M Shed the exhibition shows the winning entries for the 2018 National History Museum competition. The photographs, by both amateurs and professionals, showcase the beautiful and bizarre images from wildlife around the world. Concession tickets are just £4, but the M Shed often offers free entry for students on a Wednesday!
Bristol Museum and Art Gallery
Bristol’s Museum and Art Gallery is a must-see for all Bristol students, so why not visit during Refreshers’ week? Not only is it free to enter but its exhibitions include mummies, dinosaurs and a range of impressive art works. From February, Bristol Museum will be displaying 12 of Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings to mark the 500th anniversary of his death. The 2-3rd February weekend also marks the Museums’ annual Chinese New Year Celebrations – the Year of the Pig – which welcomes a huge collection of performances and workshops.
Featured image: Flickr / Jeremy Segrott
What are your plans for Refreshers' Week? Epigram wants to know - get in touch!