All University of Bristol teaching to move online from 3 December

By Eve Bentley-Hussey, SU Correspondent

Correction: the original of this article (12/11/20) stated the UCU has ‘lobbied continuously since October for all teaching to be moved online’. This is inaccurate, as the UCU’s position is for ‘an immediate cessation of unnecessary face-to-face, in-person teaching at the University of Bristol, with an immediate transition to online learning in all possible areas, for at least Teaching Block 1 of 2020-21, guided by individual disciplinary needs and practical teaching delivery considerations’ (16/11/20).

Pro Vice-Chancellor of Bristol University Sarah Purdy announced in a student-wide email on Thursday that all university teaching will move online between 3 to 9 December on a staggered basis by academic programme.

The announcement came after the Government requested all teaching move online to accommodate their new travel windows, staggered departure dates and mass testing plans for students in order to get people home safely for Christmas.

So far this year, the University has adopted a blended learning approach, with some classes in-person and some online.

This has recently received criticism from the teaching union UCU, which has lobbied continuously since October for ‘an immediate cessation of unnecessary face-to-face, in-person teaching at the University of Bristol, with an immediate transition to online learning in all possible areas, for at least Teaching Block 1 of 2020-21.

They also want this to be ‘guided by individual disciplinary needs and practical teaching delivery considerations.’

In the email to students, Prof. Purdy acknowledged the university had yet to finalise key components to the transition but pledged to offer further guidance.

‘We want to give you as clear a picture as we can’ Prof. Purdy said. 'We will make sure we share further information as soon as it has been confirmed.

‘We will be assessing the guidance and will share further details as to what this means for you and your education – including those of you on programmes with research, practical or professional accreditation requirements - as soon as possible.’

Featured: Epigram / Lucy O'Neill

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