5 New Year Style Resolutions

5 New Year Style Resolutions

Online Style Editor Ruby Gleeson takes us through her style resolutions for 2019

Stop wearing activewear as a replacement for exercise

I am, more often that not, guilty of substituting the self-satisfied feeling of putting on spandex Nike leggings in place of actual exercise. This year I am hoping this will change- less leggings to lectures, more real clothes.

Wear more colour

It’s easy to go for the easy option of wearing black- whether its leggings, tights, tops or jackets, for many of us black is our default. It’s flattering, goes with every colour and its a pretty safe bet. But 2019 is about standing out, and what better way to do this but reflecting it through your wardrobe. We recommend tangerine orange and deep greens for the winter period, or alternatively you could ease yourself into colour with darker maroons and muted blue shades.

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★彡 fuku cardigan ★彡

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Donate old clothes

Here’s a great style tip: at the start of the year, put your clothes hangers facing inside the wardrobe. When you wear an item of clothing, put the hanger back on the rack facing outwards. Then, at the end of the year you can see which clothes are relevant- and which ones you haven’t worn for the entire year. With a myriad of charity shops on Park Street, Cotham Hill and Gloucester Road there’s plenty of potential for your old clothes to have a new life.

Save don’t splash

One off pieces that you simply adore are more economical than excessive spending on low-quality items. As well as being more eco-friendly, good-quality clothing will last longer and get more wear out of it- think pay-per-wear. A rule I usually follow is that I only buy something if I can think of at least eight things I can wear it with.

Shop ethically

Ethical does not have to equal expensive. Whilst our student budgets may not stretch to environmentally conscious brands like People Tree or Finisterre, we can still shop sustainably. Think charity shops, eBay and Etsy for second hand, or as we like to say, vintage clothes.

Make things

University of Bristol’s Fashion society runs a sewing machine workshop for those of you looking to get crafty in 2019. If you’re a totally novice, why not start small and try your hands at making wire earrings, headbands or customise your clothes with iron-on patches. Take inspiration from a fellow student who makes her own earrings featured below. With DIY the possibilities are truly endless…

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Molly wearing 'The Molly' 💛

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Featured Image: Volha Flaxeco / Unsplash

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